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Q4 ULL Book Club

  • Virtually on Zoom Feel free to gather IRL with local biz besties and join us on Zoom (map)

Now Reading: She Builds by Jadah Sellner

In Q4, we’re reading She Builds, The Anti-Hustle Guide To Grow Your Business And Nourish Your Life💫

Our Upper Left Ladies Quarter Four Book Club read is She Builds by Jadah Sellner!

If you’ve ever…
🔥had too many things to do and not enough time to do them
🔥lost focus of your priorities
🔥questioned your lack of motivation or drive
🔥believed that if you slow down, your business would fail and the life you have worked so hard to create would crumble…

✨You're Not Alone✨

As an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and business coach, Jadah knows what it’s like to be burned out, in debt, and just barely holding on to a business. In the process of launching and building multiple companies, she realized today’s aggressive 24/7 hustle culture wasn’t working for her––or for her clients.

In She Builds, Jadah shares a new entrepreneurial model for women, centered around sustainable leadership—a practical framework you can use to create a business on your own terms, prioritize your wellbeing, and break free from the toxic culture that leads to burnout and overwhelm🫶

Grab a copy now and dive in!

PS: Jadah will be joining us LIVE to do an author Q&A on Tuesday, January 30th from 4:30-5:30pm PST. RSVP to reserve your virtual space below!

January 18

ULL January Meetup II

February 1

ULL February Meetup I